Love & Light

A poem by Frances Penn


Dirty socks,

Wet shoes,

Face cleaned in a bathroom sink


Hall empty and clean,

About to leave

Back to the street


Nothing contrast homelessness

Like a stand up piano.


Shiny and black

Described by my other half,

Keys soft to the touch,

Warm and inviting.


Unable to shake the call,

Hope jumped from his finger tips,

Cascading across the keys,


I cannot imagine those key strokes

Falling on any other set of ears,


Pure vessel,

Light and love,

Greeted with wholeness and dignity,

For the first time in months.


A lesser child of God,

Clouded by lack of vision

Would have seen nothing more

Then homeless addicts


I saw your wings,

That first moment I met you,

Fiery with the Holy Spirit,

Discernment and compassion

That cuts through walls.


Over the next two years,

Everything you extended to us became my anchor,

Your words;

   Spoken in passion,

   Sung with anointing,

   Whispered in private prayer...


Your words held me,

Coming to me

To interrupt the fear

Shutters and dark thoughts


Your love is impossible to forget,

Your love has magnitude,

Able to split the ground,

And raise mountains


What starts as God nudging you,

Whispering through Spirit in you,

Gains depth and frequency,

Through your intention;

Surging waves into your community.


If you ever doubt whether you are achieving your vision,

Of loving, mothering and standing for all the black sheep,

I'm here to tell you: is happening.


Thank you for caring so much,

For your willingness to help all of us heal!

The God in me is forever indebted to the God in you!

It is an honor to learn from such an open vessel of God's love.


Thank you for helping me to feel no ways tired,

I've been to far from where I started from,

Nobody told me that the road would be easy,

And I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me.